WAP to illustrate working of default arguments. Calculate interest amount making use of default arguments.

WAP to illustrate working of default arguments. Calculate interest amount
making use of default arguments.
void amount(float princ, int time = 2, float rate = 0.08); //prototype
void amount(float princ, int time, float rate)
      cout<<"\nPrincipal Amount: "<<princ;
      cout<<"\tTime: "<<time<<" years;";
      cout<<"\tRate: "<<rate;
      cout<<"\nInterest Amount: "<<(princ*time*rate)<<"\n";
int main()
      system ("cls");
      cout<<"Case 1";
      cout<<"Case 2";
            amount(2500, 3);
      cout<<"Case 3";
            amount(2300, 3, 0.11);
      cout<<"Case 4";
            amount(2500, 0.12);
      return 0;


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